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Additional Changes to the Labour Relations Code to come into effect September 1, 2017

While some of the changes to the Code passed as part of the Fair and Family Friendly Workplaces Act came into effect on the date of the Bill's introduction, May 24, 2017, and others came into effect on the date of Royal Assent, June 7, 2017, further changes take effect September 1, 2017.  These changes include a new right of review of arbitration decisions by the Alberta Labour Relations Board, and changes to the certification process and associated timelines.  

You can visit the Alberta Labour Relations Board's website for updated publications on the new certification process, contained in Information Bulletin #8, on September 1, 2017:

Labour Relations Code changes Albertans deserve a fair and balanced labour relations system that respects the collective bargaining rights of both employees and employers.


employment law, cphr, hr