6/20/2018 10:45:38 PM 17 Weeks and Counting.... By Brownlee Law On October 17, 2018, the 95-year old prohibition on cannabis will be lifted. Over the next 17 weeks, the Provinces and Territories will...
5/9/2018 11:12:57 PM Leave it to the Lottery? Dealing with Cannabis Retailers in Your Community By Keegan Rutherford With the forthcoming legalization of cannabis in Canada, municipalities across the country are considering how they will deal with issues...
5/2/2018 12:00:00 AM Lack of reliable cannabis impairment testing, grounds for undue hardship on safety sensitive jobs? By Colin Fetter A very interesting arbitration decision was issued Monday of this week in Eastern Canada. As this decision was just issued to the...
10/4/2017 12:00:00 AM Alberta Government Cannabis Framework Released Today. Are your drug and alcohol policies and processes ready? By Colin Fetter
9/27/2017 12:00:00 AM Pleased to be speaking at Cannabis at Work Conference, Monday October 2, Calgary By Colin Fetter Has your approach to drugs and alcohol in the workplace “gone up in smoke” with medical, and soon to be legal, Cannabis? What will be the...
9/1/2017 12:00:00 AM Cannabis Legalization - The Impact on Municipalities By Brownlee Law There's an argument to be made that the legalization of adult use cannabis will result in costs to municipalities. However, tax revenue...
8/31/2017 12:00:00 AM Cannabis Legalization - The Devil in the Details By Brownlee Law There are likely to be many interesting implications relating to the legalization of adult use cannabis. While we're still waiting for...