3/18/2021 6:07:14 PM Know the ABs and the BCs of Icy Sidewalk Actions: Comparing Slip and Fall Law in Alberta and British Columbia By Michael Colwell Bonnie Hu By Michael Colwell, Lawyer; and Bonnie Hu, Lawyer Almost 20 years ago, the Alberta Court of Appeal affirmed the decision in Kluane v...
3/2/2021 12:00:00 AM BC Court of Appeal Says Homeowner Does Not Have to Clear City Sidewalk By Michael Colwell In Der v. Zhao, 2021 BCCA 82, BC’s Court of Appeal recently considered whether a residential property owner has to remove snow and ice...
4/17/2018 3:44:43 PM SUMMARY DISMISSAL GRANTED: SAND APPLIED MOMENTS BEFORE SLIP AND FALL ON SNOW By Nabeel Peermohamed In an unreported decision, Hannam et al v. Medicine Hat School Division No. 76, Master Robertson dismissed a claim from the bench after...