4/7/2022 7:53:05 PM Recliner Seats Are a Comfort Not a Hidden Hazard: Trip and Fall Case in Theatre Summarily Dismissed By Nabeel Peermohamed By Nabeel Peermohamed, Partner In Westerveld v Cineplex, Brownlee LLP’s lawyers were successful in having the Plaintiffs’ trip and fall...
2/18/2021 8:03:46 PM Judge Strikes Out Claim Against Municipality Based on MGA Defences By Keean Lehtinen by Mark Hein, Lawyer A new case from the Alberta Court of Queen’s Bench adds another sliver of certainty for municipalities relying on...
9/17/2020 12:00:00 AM The Litigation Dance: What Steps Count? By Keean Lehtinen By Mark Hein Background McKay v Prowse, 2020 ABCA 131 provides an update from the Alberta Court of Appeal about the principles of delay...