4/8/2021 12:00:00 AM Ownership Without Control Results in no Liability for Vehicle Lessors in WCB Cases By Ted Spyracopoulos Duncan Taylor By Ted Spyracopoulos, Lawyer; and Duncan Taylor, LawyerAlberta courts have again applied the principles from McIver v McIntyre to...
3/30/2021 4:31:51 PM Court denies Workers’ Compensation Board’s claim against vehicle lessor By Duncan Taylor By Duncan Taylor, LawyerBrownlee LLP was successful in obtaining the dismissal of a claim brought by the Workers’ Compensation Board...
2/25/2021 7:09:01 PM Consent to Operate a Vehicle is an On-Off Switch, Not a Dimmer By Kristina Persaud by Kristina Persaud, Lawyer In the recent decision of Mansour v Rampersad, 2021 ABQB 44 the Court confirmed consent is either given or...